Friday, August 29, 2008

A peek in the womb at 11w 0d

I am 11w 4 d today. Went for my 11 week check up on Tue and am glad that everything was fine, Fetus is growing extremely well... It's 4.4cm now, and i am waving bye bye to morning sickness. Everything is formed, can see the fetus's pair of hand and leg.
The stressful part is when it came to the genital area, was hoping not to see "kukubird" haha. We din't see it this time round... Means there is a possibility this might be a girl... dang!!! Lets wait for another month to be more confirm on the sex of the baby, haha.

Thursday, August 7, 2008


I am 8 weeks 2 days preggy today... 30 more weeks to go, counting the days as the morning sickness and backache is driving me crazy. Was puking whole day lately... this week itself experienced 2 days of bad backache... sigh, hoping that all these symptoms will be gone soon... so that i can enjoy pregnancy. I believe it'll be better in few weeks to some, can't wait for 2nd trimester.

Heard baby's heartbeat for the first time, last week at 7week 1 day. too bad i can't record it down. Will definitely save the u/s on my next visits.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Kyle can talk!

Kyle started to utter his first sentence tday, he keeps saying i want mummy when i sent him to school on d 10 th June. Since then he has started to talk quite fast, a lot of words has been uttered by my precious. Before this he only says mom, mama. Papa.koko, phoebe,. some of his other words are elmo(his favourite cartoon) i wanna eat, i wanna sleep, kick, climb, play, i wanna play psp, school, gym,off, drink water, sweet,baby, ah ma, poh poh, tortoise, cat, dog, fish, pour, cut, frog, cow, worm, car, watch, see,pau pau(carry). His new vocab today morning 22nd june is i wanna follow.:) he uttered this when he told me he wants milk (i want milk milk) and i asked him to wait on d bed. Then he showed me d aircond and said it out. Considering its only its a week plus its considered v good. More to come, and now ar he can speak, i ll b busier, he'll say mommy come, i wan mommy all the time. But its so cute :-)

Monday, June 2, 2008

Isaac's FIRST day in CEC (26th February 2008)

Brought Isaac to CEC for trial class... Kyle tagged along too... Both seemed to enjoy school very much as they have water play in the morning (every Tuesday). Not to bad though... Since i have brought him to a few schools to have a look, he insisted he wants to go to CEC. One basic reason, i think he loves this school because they have a swimming pool, and secondly it's near our house, we pass by everyday.

Met up with the principle, Sharon, and teacher Mary who handles the ECP Rose class. Brought him there for a obout an hour, and he seems to love it.

Time Flies

wow! Time really flies, its been more than 3 mths since i last updated this blog. My boys have grown so much. Hmmm how shd i start now? Well... Well... , ok i ll go by summarizing both individually.

Sunday, February 24, 2008


It has been a month since i last blog. This is mainly due to the festive season, Chinese New Year which just ended 3 days ago. I have been busy since, the kids were sick before and during d new year. I ll update more on Chinese New Year later.
On the 16th Feb, we got a new labrador puppy from Vally clinic. It was sort of suprise for the kids. We got her before fetching them from my mother in law's. The kids were so excited to see the pup when they enters the car. We started to choose her a name, Latte,Milky,Creamy and at last decided to name her Phoebe as our cocker spaniel is named Felix. Brought her home, and the kids were busy playing with her the whole day. *wink wink * free babysitter. Phoebe adapted herself absolutely well, introduced her to Felix. Initially Felix treated her like an intruder in the house, he smelled her all over and even try to pee on her. It has been 8days shd has been with us now, and i can say that she's a brilliant and obedient dog. Brought her for her first vaccination yesterday, and she was so brave, not even a squeak when she was injected. She's such a playful and happy dog

Monday, January 28, 2008

Happy New Year 2008!

Happy New Year! It has been more than a month since I last posted, well it all stopped on the day Sandy, my princfess passed away,... 16th Dec... We, the vet and I believe that she has been poisoned as she was still very active all these while, only to find that she was restless on the 15th Dec, sent her to the vet, n she was pronounced dead on the 16th morning. The vet said that she was passing out blood in her stools, and suspects its some kinda rat poison that she has eaten. I was so sad, i became vegetarian for a week... Will post some of her pictures later,... sigh, so sad. We bought her on the month of March 2004, she was about 8 weeks then. She's an English cocker spaniel, brought in from Singapore. She's very obedient and caring. She gave birth to 5 pups on the 15th Feb 2005, all black (like Felix) and one black and white (Naomi). Naomi passed away on the 7th of Jan 2008, the same symptoms she had like Sandy, I was in KL having Annual Meeting,... sigh so sad after receiving the news from my hubby... i nearly flop! Can u imagine losing 2 beloved dogs in less than a month's interval? This is ridiculous,... I CURSE if/whomever that poisoned them will die in a car accident! This is so cruel as dogs are mens' best friend. Naomi was still so active on Sunday before i left for PJ for one week meeting,... she was still jumping about and Ati has just bathed her,... sigh sigh, why do these happen to them? They are so innocent... sigh... speechless... Now left the poor Felix all alone, guess he's very lonely taht early in the morning as early as 4 am he'll bark, wanting to come out from his kennel. Everyday without fail when i reached home i'll have to bring him out for a walk to poo... It has been the routine now i guess he's being more pampered as the two bitches left him.